Friday, September 25, 2009

Save the Mix Tape!

Those of you fans of the Friends TV show will remember the episode where Chandler and Monica are supposed to make gifts for each other. At the last minute, Chandler finds an old mix tape of his and gives it to Monica. After a short while, Janice's voice breaks in...and Chandler's in trouble. Up until a few years ago, that's what I would think of when I thought of a mix tape. Either that or the tapes we would make in junior high, combining all our favorite songs on one tape-sometimes to give to someone or just for ourselves.

I don't know where the idea of a mix tape (or mix CD) falls in today's culture, but I suggest that we save the mix tape! And here is why I love them:

My husband made me one a few years ago and when I got it I was surprised. I felt it was an odd gift, and one that required little thought. How wrong I was! As we sat down and listened to it together, he told me about why he chose the songs. He talked about spending months sifting through songs and looking up lyrics so they would say just what he wanted and with the right kind of mood. I couldn't help but be moved to tears as I heard my husband's heart through music. I heard songs that I had known for years in a whole different way. Those songs make me feel loved in ways that a thousand "I love you's" could never do.

Everyone connects with music. The type does not matter as much as the way it touches chords deep within us. And when someone decides to share a song with you that expresses the way they feel about you, that's a precious thing.

"J" has recently given me "True Love Volume 5" and I am just as moved as I was the first time. I will leave you with one of the songs off it: "First Day of My Life" by Bright Eyes

This is the first day of my life
I swear I was born right in the doorway
I went out in the rain suddenly everything changed
They're spreading blankets on the beach

Yours is the first face that I saw
I think I was blind before I met you
Now I don’t know where I am
I don’t know where I’ve been
But I know where I want to go

And so I thought I’d let you know
That these things take forever
I especially am slow
But I realize that I need you
And I wondered if I could come home

Remember the time you drove all night
Just to meet me in the morning
And I thought it was strange you said everything changed
You felt as if you'd just woke up
And you said “this is the first day of my life
I’m glad I didn’t die before I met you
But now I don’t care I could go anywhere with you
And I’d probably be happy”

So if you want to be with me
With these things there’s no telling
We just have to wait and see
But I’d rather be working for a paycheck
Than waiting to win the lottery
Besides maybe this time is different
I mean I really think you like me

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wax frogs-free to a good home

Well, not really. These little guys were photographed at the California Academy of Sciences. They are the subject of my next drawing. Thought I would post the original picture as I get started. I plan to post pics of my progress as I go. So far I'm not sure if I'm going to draw all three of the frogs, but I might. I think the composition is rather nice the way it is.

The reason they are "free to a good home" is because this will be the first drawing I have done in a very long time that has no designation. I always have someone in mind when I start a project like this. But I had no reason to draw this time, just felt like it and the wax frogs inspired me. I think if someone wants it I could sell it, but I will probably find someone to give it to by the time I'm done.

Box on my porch

Today I got my first box of produce delivered from Farm Fresh To You. They have lots of options for your order, but all of it is from local, organic farms and is always in season. You can order veggies only, fruit only, or a combination of the two. I started out with the small combination box (pictured above, with Diet Coke-my usual breakfast beverage-for scale comparison). Initially I set it to deliver every other week, but I can see that that won't quite be enough. I think next I'm going to try the next size up every other week. The slightly larger box will also give me more variety in the box.

I have chosen to give this a try for two reasons:

1. To support local, organic farmers. I have always wanted my own ranch. Even as a kid I loved to garden and wanted to raise our own animals for meat, milk and eggs. I was privileged to grow up in an area where I was able to experience much of that. But now I am a city girl. I still have the desire to put on a cowboy hat and go out to herd cattle, but I am slowly letting go of that dream. This gives me a very small taste of what I love, and helps support the people who are doing what I would do if I had another life to live.

2. For the challenge of cooking in season. Every week the contents of the box will vary and I love the challenge of figuring out how to make the most of each box. I am going to get things I have never cooked with, like mustard greens. What on earth will I do with those?! I love that this will force me to not only be more creative, but also will expose my kids to new tastes.

This week I got sweet potatoes...I have not cooked those since I was making baby food! Trying a new recipe for gratin with the leeks that were also in the box. :) (Below are the contents of my box.)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Musings on Kindergarten

Today was a big day for "G", my eldest. She started Kindergarten! The school is about a quarter mile from our house, so we walked there. She was super excited about going, as evidenced by the picture. She lined up outside the classroom and then went in and put her stuff away. Us parents were dismissed shortly after. The two other kids and I went on with a normal day. Gym and then home for lunch and all of a sudden it was time to pick up "G" again. She was happy when I picked her up, said she had a good time.

It was strange to not have her in the house though. So quiet. For those of you who know my middle child, she is NOT the quiet type. But as soon as older sister is gone, she has nobody to fight with or compete with. She totally mellows out. It's nice. And "S" really needs the extra attention. I've never spent much time with her without her older sister. Should be good to get to know her better in the weeks and months to come. She needs that time to find out who she is when out from under her sister's shadow. I'm really excited for where I see our relationship going.

An odd day though. I found myself feeling strangely un-moored sometimes, like a part of me was missing. And thinking about it, I have always had "G" with me, ever since she was born. So many of her moments we have shared. Ever since I was pregnant, and she swam like a fish under my heart, we have been together. I remember when she was just born, and we would head out together on errands. Just the two of us, she my constant companion. Now, for the first time, she starts a life without me. I am letting her go for hours at a time, in someone else's care. Someone else will share in her accomplishments and encourage her through her frustrating moments. In one day, I have become a bystander in my own child's life.

But all these are not dark thoughts. I am not upset. I'm happy for her. Indescribably proud of her. She's so ready for this. Ready to test those wings and learn to fly. And I am happy to let her go. She needs to do this, by degrees, in order to grow up a well-adjusted adult. Makes me think about what it was like for my own parents, letting us go to boarding school. Feels like that would be too much flying too soon...such a big adjustment. And also the home-schooled kids who never have to experience what it is like to be on their own-just a little. This feels right. If I can let her go in small increments, then I hope she will always return home.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Drawings, Haircuts and a Crazy Lady

It's been way too long since I last sat down to write. Summer is rather busy, in a good way. First major thing is that I finished another drawing. These drawings with dots always take me quite a while. My original plan was to draw a pair of okapis for my parents. I would give my mom one on mother's day and then one for dad on father's day. Well, the one I started for my mom I made a big mistake on and there is no going back when it's pen and ink. Besides, I ended up not really liking the pose of the animal anyways. So I figured out another gift for my mom and plodded on with the other okapi. It turned out really good, I was very happy with it. Every time I do a drawing, I have someone in mind. I find that I actually can't produce anything unless I know who it is for. And so they have become acts of love for me. They are so painstaking slow to do, that I spend a great deal of time meditating on the person that it is for. Every dot says "I love you", a million times over. My dad seemed moved, although he didn't say much when he got it. But that's the way my dad has always been-a little mysterious, and I guess that's OK. I thought I would include some pictures of the progress of the drawing, just for fun. I'm not sure what order they are going to appear in...and I still don't know how to remove a picture once I put it up, so here goes:

The finished product!
(My husband helped me out on the pictures. Not very intuitive this blogging thing...)

Speaking of my father, a few months ago he asked me to design a logo for him. He is going on a 40th anniversary bike ride with some friends of his. They took this ride in 1969 together and are doing it again in 2009. He wanted to make a custom jersey for them all to wear. This is what I came up with:

I drew the initial design and my husband scanned it in and went over it with a drawing program. We decided on colors together and he put it all together. Took us longer than we wanted it to, but it ended up being a fun project to work on together. Shared creativity can be fun. :)

Just to follow up on M's glasses and how that is going: He is doing very well with them. I figured we would have weeks of putting them back on every time he took them off. But within a couple of weeks he pretty much left them alone. Now when he is tired or frustrated with something he tends to take them off. But for the most part they stay put. And it's been really neat to see his eyes straighten out. The glasses really do the job. And I feel much better about them too. I'm getting used to seeing them on him, so much so that he looks odd without them. And I'm OK with the fact that he needs them too. I think it helped to realize that many parents deal with things far greater than vision problems in their children. Putting things into perspective was good.

Another big change for the month has been joining Weight Watchers (ww). M is over a year now and I wasn't losing any weight. People told me that the weight would start coming off when I stopped breast-feeding, but that really didn't happen. I tried dieting on my own over and over again. So I decided that there were no more second chances and I wasn't ever going to look back. And that involved spending $40 a month on the program. (I figure I will be eating less and we should save at least that much on groceries...) So far it's been a worthwhile investment. After 3 weeks I have lost 6 pounds, more than I had lost in over a year of working my ass of at the gym (aforementioned ass not coming off at all though...). So, I am quietly proud of myself and the program has been very good so far. They have the best website ever too. I can enter the ingredients for my own recipes and it will spit out points values for what I cook. Just love it! I'm not sure why, but I have not told many people about joining the program. Perhaps a part of me is still afraid that I will fail again and I don't want people to know about it. Perhaps I want to be able to casually say "I lost 30 pounds", and for them to have no idea that I had been working that hard. I like to think it's the latter, because I'm not going to fail at this. :)

Also cut my hair for the first time. Well, I didn't cut it myself, I paid a professional to do it. :) The shortest hair I have ever had. My father always liked long hair, so I never cut it when I was growing up. Then I married a man who also likes long hair, and it has stayed long for my entire life. But this year I wanted to try something new. I've been feeling like my face is very boring. I'm not a make-up person, I hate to wear it. So I wanted some interesting hair, something with a little style. I loved my long hair, but wearing it down was a pain. It always ended up in a ponytail, no bangs. Very boring. Plus, when my hair was down I was super hot, even in the winter. So off it came, enough to donate-which was fun. And I really like it, I'm having fun learning how to do different things with it. And I'm even using product...those of you who know me know that is a big step! :)

New haircut. Looks a little curlier now that I've washed it.

Storytime: I was in my Weight Watchers meeting the other day, listening to people share, etc. In the process of the discussion, someone mentioned that they had walked there. Probably a good 3 miles. So after the meeting I offer to bring her home, she lives not far from me and it's going to be dark soon. She accepts and seems happy about not having to walk. As we are going out to my car she says, "You know, I knew you were going to ask me if I wanted a ride. I just know things before they happen. Does that ever happen to you, that you just know what someone is going to say before they say it or that something is going to happen?" Right then I knew that I had invited a crazy person into my car. Oh joy. She gets in the car and looks behind her and just stares. I decide to fill her in and tell her that I have three small children, thus the carseats. That they are at home with dad. She then launches into a story about someone she knows who has kids and how horrible they are and how being a parent is just the worst thing ever. I didn't have much to say about that, I rather like being a parent and my kids are great. Every once in a while she would look over at me, but it was really strange. She had this 1000 mile gaze, like she was looking right through me and into the cosmos. All of this was not helped by the fact that I had a killer migraine over my right eye-all in all it was kind of a surreal experience.

Well, hopefully I will be better about updating here. I think that's all for now...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Missing this...

I've been so busy nowadays that I just have not had time to sit down and put a few thoughts here. I often find myself composing entries, only to run out of time by the end of the day. Life has been good though, and I hope to stop in again soon.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Specifics about the Specs

This is my little guy, trying on glasses in the shop.  After one of his well-checks, the pediatrician recommended that we see a pediatric opthamologist.  This is because "M" crosses his eyes a lot and often one eye will go inwards while the other looks straight.  All babies cross their eyes, so we didn't think much of it.  But then it wasn't going away.  

Turns out he has accomodative esotropia.  I'm still learning about it, but it has to do with his brain trying to focus his eyes.  When he tries to look at something up close, his eyes cross instead of focusing.  I guess that also makes him farsighted.  Glasses are supposed to fix the problem and help him see better.  Supposedly surgery is an option down the road as well, but is not always effective.  If not treated soon, the long-term damage would be loss of vision as his brain gives up trying to send signals to the eyes when they don't respond properly.  

Finding glasses for him proved to be more difficult that I thought.  I called a number of places and they all said that they don't provide the type of frames that we needed for him.  The frames are almost like goggles in their soft-ness.  Very flexible and almost indestructible.  And they have a soft cord that goes around the back of the head.  My husband happened across a website for a company that specialized in children's eye wear.  People fly in from across the nation to pick up glasses for their kids.  Turns out this place is just about a half hour from where we live.  So we headed out there and were able to chose from a bunch of colors, etc.  The ones in the picture are the ones we decided to get.  He seemed to enjoy trying them on.  He likes to be the center of attention and loved the laughs he got for his goofy glasses smiles.  Keeping them on him at home is going to be the real challenge.  That same day we dropped them off at a more local place to get the lenses put in and in a couple days he'll start wearing them.  

Here's the thing, though.  I'm still trying to get used to the fact that he even needs his eyes to be corrected.  In my family only one of us siblings wears glasses and that started in high school.  My parents do, but they are in their 50's.  I think I somehow see the need to have vision corrected as a degenerative problem.  And now "M" is not as perfect as I see him.  In my mind he's starting out life fresh, with no health problems.  But now there is this.  I know that many parents face much worse health problems with their kids.  In fact, we have faced worse as well.  But it kills me to think of him starting out behind, if you will.  

I do want the best for him though, of course.  I want him to be able to see small things when he holds them instead of having to move them back and forth in order to focus.  And all the positive feedback from friends and family about how cute he looks is helping to sugar-coat how I feel.  But I guess I'm still working through it, but something inside hurts when I think about the sentence of glasses for life.  

Monday, June 1, 2009

High Chairs and High Jinx

So, "M" has figured out how to get out of his high chair.  This is partly my fault because I have cut the straps off of it.  His sisters used the same high chair for over two years each and I never once had to strap them in.  They just didn't climb out. And since the straps just got in the way and all full of food, I lopped them off.  Well, along comes "M" and it takes him just under 10 seconds to escape.  So, time to go out and find a cheap high chair.  This is apparently easier said than done...

My inital plan was to go to Ikea.  I know that they have one for $25, in stock.  But Ikea is a 30 minute drive away and I decided to investigate some more local options.  

First we went to Sears, because they supposedly had a $20 one.  It was pink, but oh well, I'm cheap.  Turns out they don't actually have it.  

Next we went to K-Mart (I think one store owns the other, the websites were rather connected...).  K-Mart had just the one I was looking for.  Nice and cheap, would probably fall apart in a month.  I could see the display one, but not the new one in box.  Had someone call for a sales person to come give me a hand.  After a bit of a wait, this lady shows up.  She is on a bluetooth headset, talking to someone on the phone.  She proceeds to try and help me while staying on the phone.  This makes for rather awkward conversation, since I'm never sure if she is talking to me or the person on the phone.  Finally she says "You know, I should probably get off the phone".  You think?  

OK, so I tell her what I need and she takes about 5 tries to comprehend what I'm trying to tell her.  Now, this is not a person who has difficulty with the language or anything.  Neither is she a young person.  Probably almost old enough to be a parent for me.  In the middle of this confusion she turns to me, rather abruptly, and asks me a question.  "Do you think I'm beautiful?", she asks.  Um...what?  Now, what to say?  She is perhaps one of the most hideously ugly women I have ever seen.  Bed-head hair that is dry and crackly and some unhealthy, malnourised color.  Lots and lots of caked on make-up that looks like she has put it on in the dark.  Clothing just falling off a super skinny frame.  I have already called the kids over to me, real close.  And now I have to tell her if I think she is pretty?  In what universe is this even remotely appropriate?  So, after a pause I say "Are you not going to be able to help me?".  This seems to make her snap out of it and she starts to say sorry...lots of times.  And then she tells me that the person on the phone had asked her to ask someone if she was pretty.  Oh my.  After leaving, she comes back again only to tell me that they don't have any more of that high chair in the back.  And I can't buy the display, so I'm done at K-Mart.  

Next we head off to Wal-Mart.  Only the $80 high chairs there.  

Next is Target.  By now we have been out for about 2 hours in the late afternoon and I'm astonished at how well the kids are behaving.  The girls are totally engaged in trying to find the high chair and "M" is just hanging out.  Nothing at Target either, though.  

Target was my last local option, so I head over to Petsmart.  Not because I think they have high chairs, my day has not been THAT long.  My husband has decided that he wants to try eating waxworms...with the kids...kind of a family activity.  Hmm.  Anyways, I go in to see if they have any and turns out they just sold the last of them.  Bummer...  

So, looks like I have to go to Ikea after all.  

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Carrot hug

Tonight I made some rice and then zucchini and carrots from the garden.  The zucchini are called 8-balls and are rather cute.  And the carrots grew in this really fun shape that I'm calling a carrot hug.  They both were very tasty...just love eating from my very own garden!  

(I still can't get these pictures to go where I want them to.  It's like they just randomly appear and then I can't move them.  Kind of frustrating, but I'm trying to see it as an adventure...)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"Group" interview and Gingerbread

Well, today was the big interview that I was so nervous about.  Went in 10 minutes early and sat there waiting.  25 minutes later I'm still the only one there.  Finally a couple of ladies come over and introduce themselves (Barbara and Susanne...and this is just for me to remember...).  We head out to a nice patio and conduct our "group" interview-that would be just me and them.  On the plus side, I didn't have enough time to get nervous about it, since it was sprung on me.  Also on the plus side, I got to practice a real interview.  I think it went rather well.  I was able to not get too anxious and just answer the questions.  When I felt myself start to panic, I just took a deep breath and then took a moment to answer the question.   So, overall a good experience.  

During the interview I found out that it is a full-time job.  That means I'm automatically not going to take it, even if they offer.  I have to stick to my guns on this one, although it would be tempting to take it if they offer.  A full-time job is just too much right now.  But I could so do this one...  On top of that, the commute is at least an hour, probably more, through very nasty traffic.  Wouldn't take long for that to get old.  

I also asked about my visible wrist tattoo and she said that they have a fairly conservative crowd there and that I should probably cover it up.  I think in the future that I will have the tattoo visible in an interview, but not ask about it.  If someone notices and cares, then they can say something.  If I have to, then I will cover it.  But I got the impression that if I hadn't said anything, that it could have just slid on by.  I do think it's interesting that neither of the ladies even noticed it during the interview.  I guess it's not as visible as it feels.  

Oh, and I didn't ask about salary.  I'm not sure how that works.  Am I supposed to ask?  Will they tell me when they call me back for a second interview?  I have no idea.  I think if I was going to be able to actually take the job I would have asked.  I am curious though...

Later this afternoon the girls and I made gingerbread cookies from dough that I made last night.  It was meant to go with our dinner last night (the girls made their own pizzas), but we ran out of time.  That was rather fun, and they are enjoying eating the different shapes.  And my mom's recipe for gingerbread really can't be beat.  

Only one downer today.  Found out that the CA supreme court is not going to overturn prop 8.  I won't get into how I feel about it right now, but I'm disappointed.  

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Berkeley and New Ink

Had a great day yesterday.  Spent most of it in Berkeley with a very dear friend.  First we went to Half Price books and wandered for a while.  I think I could lose a year of my life in there.  Found a couple of good books (at least I hope they will be good ones...).  After the bookstore we jetted across town to Tattoo 13 where I got some stars added to the flower tattoo on my back.  I now have 7 stars representing my 7 years of marriage.  I plan to add a star for every anniversary till I have a large constellation trailing somewhere on my body.  (I'll put up a picture once it's healed.  Oh, and by the way, the rash on the wrist tattoo is mostly cleared up, so pics are coming soon.)  

I surprised "K" by telling her it was her turn when I was done and convinced her to get some ink too.  Not her first tattoo, but certainly her most painful.  :(  As soon as he started, I regretted talking her into it.  It was really hard to watch her in pain.  But then she loved it so much that I felt a little better.  :)  Looks fabulous now!  Very cute turtle with some flowers on the top of her foot.  

After tattoos we went and got some yummy Indian food.  By then the adrenaline had worn off and we were starving.  Good spicy food.  And the bizzare thing was that we were given a free wallet with our purchase!  Very strange.  I'm wondering if they have a side business going and are trying to get rid of surplus stuff.  They also had a sign on some very ugly chandeliers that one could call a number in order to purchase them.  I think I'll pass.  I already have a random tacky wallet to try and figure out what to do with.  

We wandered the streets for a while after that, looking for some frozen yogurt to cool our tongues a little.  Then back home for some Rock Band!  

Today, on the other hand, just seemed like a waste of time.  Not sure why.  Perhaps I'm getting nervous about Tuesday's upcoming interview.  I also have a lot on my mind as I think about the possibility of actually going back to work.  I'm probably counting my chickens before they are hatched, but I'm not looking forward to it.  I just wish there was some way to make money from home that wasn't some sort of scam.  I want to be home with the kids and doing what I do best, being a mom.  I'm not ready to leave them home with Dad and be gone for part of the week.  I think it would put a strain on our marriage that I'm not looking forward to trying to weather.  Perhaps I should just try and set it aside and focus on getting through this interview and then see where things are at.  


On the plus side, I was able to do the first couch potato to 5K run today.  5 min warm-up, then alternating 60 sec of running with 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.  A challenge, but doable.  I really enjoyed doing it, actually.  

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Gym Boot Camp

Made it to the gym this morning, since the coughing seems to have stopped.  The usual instructor for the Thursday class is pretty brutal, but I love it.  We had a sub today and she was really intense too.  Pretty much kicked my butt all over the floor.  She did a boot camp and I knew I was in trouble when she started tying up her camo pants.  Among other tortures, we did 200 jumping jacks.  I just hope all this counts towards that flat tummy and thinner appendages I'm going for.  

Did good today on logging my food too.  Every day that I win over the calories is a small victory and brings me one step closer to that rather elusive white rabbit I'm chasing.  

I'm excited and nervous about a phone call I got today.  My first interview for a nursing job and it's a group one.  I'm going to have to read up on group interviews to know what to expect.  When she first called I answered like I knew who I was talking to and rather cheerily got the details down.  Then I rushed to my computer to figure out what job this even was for.  I've been applying so many places that I really had no idea what this job was.  After some tracking down, I found it.  It's a little less than an hour's commute and is for nurse/health services director.  I'm not sure what it pays or how many hours a week it's for, but one step at at a time.  I'm actually surprised that I was called...after all this time.  And looking at the job description I suppose I meet the minimum requirements, but I'd be surprised if they didn't have many other better qualified applicants.  I'm wondering if they automatically do group interviews for everyone or if they saw something they liked.  Did some more looking into the company and I think I could enjoy working for them, wonder what will happen.  Interview is in a few more days.  

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sore muscles and sunburn

Another lovely day today.  Since the girls have slight coughs, I kept them out of gym childcare and went walking with a friend instead.  She has two little boys and the kids were very sweet.  Found ladybugs together and chased butterflies.  Walked a total of 1.5 miles.  A little tough with 20 pounds of baby on my back and pushing another 90 or so in the stroller.  Good exercise all the same, I suppose.  Had a nice lunch and then let the kids play in the park for a while.  Baby liked the tambark quite a bit, but did a good job of not putting it in his mouth.  Got my first sunburn of the summer on my shoulders, face and back.  Burned the tattoo too, got to be more careful about how much sun it gets.  

Speaking of tattoos, my wrist one is looking better.  I had a reaction to some lotion or something that I put on it and got a rashy thing all around it.  Very itchy and kind of gross.  I want to show people the new ink...but then I look diseased-so never mind.  I'll try to include a picture of the tattoo the day I got it.  I'm about a week in now and not taking pics of the nasty-ness.  

Sore muscles today from my pilates class yesterday.  Today all the excercise I got was the walking, I'm hoping for more tomorrow.  Also just heard about a training program I think I will try.  Always good to mix things up a bit, keeps the workouts interesting.  I included the link on the main page, about going from couch potato to 5K.  We shall see how far I can get on that.  Running can be difficult with the pain in my feet, but I'm going to give it a try.  I think I'm also going to start logging my food again.  I need more accountability and responsibility there.  

Still looking for work.  Willing to work non-nursing jobs now too.  Sent a resume to an orthodontist's office, and they called me back.  Looks like the hours won't work out.  They were paying $10/hour to sterilize equipment and clean up the office, but only offering 9 hours a week. I would have had to drive 40 mins to get there too.  Not worth it, even though it feels weird to turn down a job when I am so desperate for work. Hopefully something will pan out soon.  

Went to the farmer's market this evening for the first time this year.  It's always fun to get out with the whole family.  The kids seemed a little wowed by the crowds and the constant offers of free samples, but it was fun to watch them take it all in.  Found some little bananas that we had when we were growing up.  We used to call them kitika, but I guess here they are called finger bananas.  I didn't know you could grow bananas in California...would love to try it.  Also got some Afghan bread and sauces and some samosas for dinner.  Cherries, tomatoes and a pickled duck egg rounded out our adventure.  

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Busy but good day.

Had a good day today.  Beautiful weather makes me feel so productive.  

The kids decided to all three of them get up at 6:30 this morning, so we had no trouble at all getting to the gym on time for pilates class.  Milk was bad, but I didn't find out till I had already fed the girls breakfast.  Yep, I win Mom of the year award for that one.  "G" tells me later that she thought the milk tasted a little funny.  

Home for a quick shower and then out to pick up "M's" pictures.  Despite trying really hard to pick one out where he is not crossing his eyes, he's still crossing them.  I suppose it's subtle...and an accurate representation of what he looks like right now.  

"M" crashed early for his nap, making him cranky for the rest of the evening.  He screamed for most of the time I was outside gardening.  But gardening was fun, as always.  Thinned out a bunch of plants.  I always hate thinning.  Feels like such a waste.  I put some in little pots in the hope that I can give some of them away.  Need to trim back my rosemary and rotate the compost tomorrow.  Should be fun!  

Monday, May 18, 2009

First entry

Well, this is my first entry and my first time blogging.  So far it looks simple enough.  I'm pretty impressed with my name (Jots and Dots).  Jots for my thoughts and dots for my artwork.  I do pen-and-ink stipple, although I don't get as much time for it as I would like.  Here is my most recent piece and the one I'm most proud of.  It was done as a gift for a very good friend.  (Dang it, I wanted the pic on the other side...can't figure out how to move it...oh well, better luck next time.)