Well, today was the big interview that I was so nervous about. Went in 10 minutes early and sat there waiting. 25 minutes later I'm still the only one there. Finally a couple of ladies come over and introduce themselves (Barbara and Susanne...and this is just for me to remember...). We head out to a nice patio and conduct our "group" interview-that would be just me and them. On the plus side, I didn't have enough time to get nervous about it, since it was sprung on me. Also on the plus side, I got to practice a real interview. I think it went rather well. I was able to not get too anxious and just answer the questions. When I felt myself start to panic, I just took a deep breath and then took a moment to answer the question. So, overall a good experience.
During the interview I found out that it is a full-time job. That means I'm automatically not going to take it, even if they offer. I have to stick to my guns on this one, although it would be tempting to take it if they offer. A full-time job is just too much right now. But I could so do this one... On top of that, the commute is at least an hour, probably more, through very nasty traffic. Wouldn't take long for that to get old.
I also asked about my visible wrist tattoo and she said that they have a fairly conservative crowd there and that I should probably cover it up. I think in the future that I will have the tattoo visible in an interview, but not ask about it. If someone notices and cares, then they can say something. If I have to, then I will cover it. But I got the impression that if I hadn't said anything, that it could have just slid on by. I do think it's interesting that neither of the ladies even noticed it during the interview. I guess it's not as visible as it feels.
Oh, and I didn't ask about salary. I'm not sure how that works. Am I supposed to ask? Will they tell me when they call me back for a second interview? I have no idea. I think if I was going to be able to actually take the job I would have asked. I am curious though...
Later this afternoon the girls and I made gingerbread cookies from dough that I made last night. It was meant to go with our dinner last night (the girls made their own pizzas), but we ran out of time. That was rather fun, and they are enjoying eating the different shapes. And my mom's recipe for gingerbread really can't be beat.
Only one downer today. Found out that the CA supreme court is not going to overturn prop 8. I won't get into how I feel about it right now, but I'm disappointed.