Today I got my first box of produce delivered from Farm Fresh To You. They have lots of options for your order, but all of it is from local, organic farms and is always in season. You can order veggies only, fruit only, or a combination of the two. I started out with the small combination box (pictured above, with Diet Coke-my usual breakfast beverage-for scale comparison). Initially I set it to deliver every other week, but I can see that that won't quite be enough. I think next I'm going to try the next size up every other week. The slightly larger box will also give me more variety in the box.
I have chosen to give this a try for two reasons:
1. To support local, organic farmers. I have always wanted my own ranch. Even as a kid I loved to garden and wanted to raise our own animals for meat, milk and eggs. I was privileged to grow up in an area where I was able to experience much of that. But now I am a city girl. I still have the desire to put on a cowboy hat and go out to herd cattle, but I am slowly letting go of that dream. This gives me a very small taste of what I love, and helps support the people who are doing what I would do if I had another life to live.
2. For the challenge of cooking in season. Every week the contents of the box will vary and I love the challenge of figuring out how to make the most of each box. I am going to get things I have never cooked with, like mustard greens. What on earth will I do with those?! I love that this will force me to not only be more creative, but also will expose my kids to new tastes.
This week I got sweet potatoes...I have not cooked those since I was making baby food! Trying a new recipe for gratin with the leeks that were also in the box. :) (Below are the contents of my box.)