My inital plan was to go to Ikea. I know that they have one for $25, in stock. But Ikea is a 30 minute drive away and I decided to investigate some more local options.
First we went to Sears, because they supposedly had a $20 one. It was pink, but oh well, I'm cheap. Turns out they don't actually have it.
Next we went to K-Mart (I think one store owns the other, the websites were rather connected...). K-Mart had just the one I was looking for. Nice and cheap, would probably fall apart in a month. I could see the display one, but not the new one in box. Had someone call for a sales person to come give me a hand. After a bit of a wait, this lady shows up. She is on a bluetooth headset, talking to someone on the phone. She proceeds to try and help me while staying on the phone. This makes for rather awkward conversation, since I'm never sure if she is talking to me or the person on the phone. Finally she says "You know, I should probably get off the phone". You think?
OK, so I tell her what I need and she takes about 5 tries to comprehend what I'm trying to tell her. Now, this is not a person who has difficulty with the language or anything. Neither is she a young person. Probably almost old enough to be a parent for me. In the middle of this confusion she turns to me, rather abruptly, and asks me a question. "Do you think I'm beautiful?", she asks. Um...what? Now, what to say? She is perhaps one of the most hideously ugly women I have ever seen. Bed-head hair that is dry and crackly and some unhealthy, malnourised color. Lots and lots of caked on make-up that looks like she has put it on in the dark. Clothing just falling off a super skinny frame. I have already called the kids over to me, real close. And now I have to tell her if I think she is pretty? In what universe is this even remotely appropriate? So, after a pause I say "Are you not going to be able to help me?". This seems to make her snap out of it and she starts to say sorry...lots of times. And then she tells me that the person on the phone had asked her to ask someone if she was pretty. Oh my. After leaving, she comes back again only to tell me that they don't have any more of that high chair in the back. And I can't buy the display, so I'm done at K-Mart.
Next we head off to Wal-Mart. Only the $80 high chairs there.
Next is Target. By now we have been out for about 2 hours in the late afternoon and I'm astonished at how well the kids are behaving. The girls are totally engaged in trying to find the high chair and "M" is just hanging out. Nothing at Target either, though.
Target was my last local option, so I head over to Petsmart. Not because I think they have high chairs, my day has not been THAT long. My husband has decided that he wants to try eating waxworms...with the kids...kind of a family activity. Hmm. Anyways, I go in to see if they have any and turns out they just sold the last of them. Bummer...
So, looks like I have to go to Ikea after all.
soo after all that, I wanna know why he wants to eat waxworms....
ReplyDeleteoh and try toys r us or babies r us...
ReplyDeleteI ended up getting the high chair from Ikea the next day. Only $25 and it works great. Plus, I got to spend half the day galavanting with friends in the store. Well, if you can galavant with three moms and 6 kids. And the waxworms, I don't remember how that happened. He found you you could eat them and now he wants to try. And he's got the kids all fired up about it too.