Another lovely day today. Since the girls have slight coughs, I kept them out of gym childcare and went walking with a friend instead. She has two little boys and the kids were very sweet. Found ladybugs together and chased butterflies. Walked a total of 1.5 miles. A little tough with 20 pounds of baby on my back and pushing another 90 or so in the stroller. Good exercise all the same, I suppose. Had a nice lunch and then let the kids play in the park for a while. Baby liked the tambark quite a bit, but did a good job of not putting it in his mouth. Got my first sunburn of the summer on my shoulders, face and back. Burned the tattoo too, got to be more careful about how much sun it gets.

Speaking of tattoos, my wrist one is looking better. I had a reaction to some lotion or something that I put on it and got a rashy thing all around it. Very itchy and kind of gross. I want to show people the new ink...but then I look diseased-so never mind. I'll try to include a picture of the tattoo the day I got it. I'm about a week in now and not taking pics of the nasty-ness.
Sore muscles today from my pilates class yesterday. Today all the excercise I got was the walking, I'm hoping for more tomorrow. Also just heard about a training program I think I will try. Always good to mix things up a bit, keeps the workouts interesting. I included the link on the main page, about going from couch potato to 5K. We shall see how far I can get on that. Running can be difficult with the pain in my feet, but I'm going to give it a try. I think I'm also going to start logging my food again. I need more accountability and responsibility there.
Still looking for work. Willing to work non-nursing jobs now too. Sent a resume to an orthodontist's office, and they called me back. Looks like the hours won't work out. They were paying $10/hour to sterilize equipment and clean up the office, but only offering 9 hours a week. I would have had to drive 40 mins to get there too. Not worth it, even though it feels weird to turn down a job when I am so desperate for work. Hopefully something will pan out soon.
Went to the farmer's market this evening for the first time this year. It's always fun to get out with the whole family. The kids seemed a little wowed by the crowds and the constant offers of free samples, but it was fun to watch them take it all in. Found some little bananas that we had when we were growing up. We used to call them kitika, but I guess here they are called finger bananas. I didn't know you could grow bananas in California...would love to try it. Also got some Afghan bread and sauces and some samosas for dinner. Cherries, tomatoes and a pickled duck egg rounded out our adventure.