Thursday, May 21, 2009

Gym Boot Camp

Made it to the gym this morning, since the coughing seems to have stopped.  The usual instructor for the Thursday class is pretty brutal, but I love it.  We had a sub today and she was really intense too.  Pretty much kicked my butt all over the floor.  She did a boot camp and I knew I was in trouble when she started tying up her camo pants.  Among other tortures, we did 200 jumping jacks.  I just hope all this counts towards that flat tummy and thinner appendages I'm going for.  

Did good today on logging my food too.  Every day that I win over the calories is a small victory and brings me one step closer to that rather elusive white rabbit I'm chasing.  

I'm excited and nervous about a phone call I got today.  My first interview for a nursing job and it's a group one.  I'm going to have to read up on group interviews to know what to expect.  When she first called I answered like I knew who I was talking to and rather cheerily got the details down.  Then I rushed to my computer to figure out what job this even was for.  I've been applying so many places that I really had no idea what this job was.  After some tracking down, I found it.  It's a little less than an hour's commute and is for nurse/health services director.  I'm not sure what it pays or how many hours a week it's for, but one step at at a time.  I'm actually surprised that I was called...after all this time.  And looking at the job description I suppose I meet the minimum requirements, but I'd be surprised if they didn't have many other better qualified applicants.  I'm wondering if they automatically do group interviews for everyone or if they saw something they liked.  Did some more looking into the company and I think I could enjoy working for them, wonder what will happen.  Interview is in a few more days.  

1 comment:

  1. yay for your blog. you are in my google reader now so i can follow you. the name and background is perfect!!!
